Parts or Accessories orders are generally shipped in 1 day after your order is processed and they normally take an additional 3 - 5 business days to arrive in US destination.
Machine order are generally shippin in 3~15 business days based on the trucking company, ocean shipping lines or air cargo lines schedule. Special machine orders which manufacture based on orders, these order may only begin to manufacture after order placed and payment received. Then normally the factory needs about 30~45 days to manufacture and then 15 days to ship from seaport by ocean. For special machine order paid by credit card, your order will be only acceptted after 180 days.
Orders are processed Mon-Fri during normal business hours in US Pacific Time.
You may return damaged or defective merchandise within 10 days of the delivery date for a full refund minus round way shipping charges, tax paid and fee charged like bank charges and others. Normal machine orders need to be charged 20% restocking fee, special machine orders like manufacture based on orders, these order do not accept the returns. We will also be glad to exchange the damaged merchandise for anything on our site of equal or lesser value.